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回覆︰ 香港期權教室 Practical Option: Reg 2014-03-25



回覆︰ 香港期權教室 Practical Option: Reg

Charney2014/3/24 Option Class

Hi To Sir,

A friend did the following, wondering if its a correct way to 搬倉?:

1. 688 Mar-2014 SP $20 Premium 0.47 --- closed at 0.51 (24/3/2014), and then 搬倉 to Apr SP $20 Premium 0.81

To Sir: your friend does not want to be assigned that is the reason to make rollover, however, the position still stick on strike 20 and it is can’t release the concern on what your friend has before rollover. That’s why I said it is logically wrong. Suggest your friend attend course Pre-Option-ABC and ST. , 2. 3968 Mar-2014 SP $14 Premium 0.31 --- closed at 1.05 (24/3/2014), and then 搬倉 to Apr SP $20 Premium 0.77

To Sir: Understood 688, 3968 is easy.

Regarding "iron condor", what are the steps to 開倉 (long or short first) and how to close (close long first then close short or close short first then close long)? Should be 動態做 or 靜態做?

To Sir: The “iron condor” is good for index option but not stocks which I have mentioned on class, I must give my thanks to you for attending the TSM/MS but I think you have yet attend Pre and Practical. It is too hard for me to answer Static and Dynamic by wording. Sorry.

Thanks for your advice.

Wish your a million account best of luck. Can't wait your new book.


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